We also recognise that seeking stakeholder support for our climate commitments and plans is important.
At our 2022 Annual Meeting, we fulfilled our commitment to hold a non-binding securityholder vote on our Climate Transition Plan. While this vote achieved significant majority support, with 79 per cent of securityholders in favour, the lessons from this vote, and the feedback we have received from our direct engagements with investors and other stakeholders throughout the year, were highly valuable in helping us to better understand stakeholder expectations and identify areas for future focus.
One area our stakeholders have said they want to see greater action on was managing our methane emissions. In our Climate Transition Plan, we committed to establishing a methane target during FY23 and we have now announced a new target to reduce operational methane emissions by at least 30 per cent by FY30 compared with FY21 base year.
And we know that addressing our Scope 3 emissions is important to many of our stakeholders. This year we have invested significant effort in identifying our Scope 3 emissions inventory and the priority emission reduction pathways for goal development to introduce a Scope 3 emission reduction goal in our next Climate Transition Plan in 2025.