ASX releases
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Security Purchase Plan
Published on
31 August 2023
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On 23 August 2023, APA Group Limited (ABN 99 091 344 704) in its capacity as trustee and responsible entity of APA Infrastructure Trust (ARSN 091 678 778) and APA Group Limited in its capacity as trustee and responsible entity of APA Investment Trust (ARSN 115 585 441) (“APA”) announced a security purchase plan to provide eligible security holders in Australia and New Zealand with an opportunity to subscribe for up to $30,000 of APA stapled securities without incurring brokerage or other transaction costs (“SPP”). APA’s current intention is to cap the amount raised under the SPP at $75 million and APA may, in its absolute discretion, scale-back applications over that amount (or any higher cap APA applies in its absolute discretion).

The SPP supplements the $675 million institutional placement completed by APA on 24 August 2023 (“Placement”).

As previously announced, the funds raised under the Placement and SPP will be used by APA to partly fund its proposed acquisition of Alinta Energy Pilbara.

The attached SPP Booklet contains information on the SPP, including the terms and conditions, key dates and how to apply. APA security holders are encouraged to read the SPP Booklet carefully and in full.