ASX releases
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Estimated Interim Distribution for the Six Months Ending 31 December 2023
Published on
13 December 2023
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APA Group (ASX: APA) today announced an estimated interim distribution of 26.5 cents per security for the six months ending 31 December 2023. This represents a 1.9% increase over the FY23 interim distribution of 26.0 cents per security.

Consistent with previous guidance, total distributions for FY24 are expected to be 56.0 cents per security, inclusive of the distribution of 26.5 cents per security for the six months ending 31 December 2023.

The actual amount of the interim distribution and its tax deferred status will be confirmed following finalisation of the half year results, which are due for release on 22 February 2024. APA will confirm allocable franking credits when finalising the interim distribution with the release of the half year results.

Key dates for the distribution are:

Securities trade ex-distribution 28 December 2023
Record Date 29 December 2023
Payment Date 14 March 2024

Payment of Distribution

Distribution payments to securityholders with a registered address in Australia or New Zealand will be paid by direct credit to their nominated bank account. Securityholders are encouraged to check their payment details are up to date and, if a change is required, to promptly advise APA’s registry, Link Market Services, by phoning on 1800 992 312, emailing apagroup@linkmarketservices.com.au, or on-line at www.linkmarketservices.com.au.

Distribution Reinvestment Plan (DRP) reactivated

The DRP will operate for this interim distribution for the half year ended 31 December 2023 at a discount of 0%. All APA securityholders will need to provide new DRP election instructions to APA’s registry, Link Market Services before the Last Election Date of 2 January 2024.