Brisbane South, Gold Coast, Toowoomba & Oakey Customers
The Allgas Gas Network is located in South Eastern Queensland and serves customers in southern Brisbane (south of the Brisbane River), the Gold Coast, Toowoomba and Oakey. Detailed information on these services is provided below.
Allgas has two types of customer connection contracts for persons to whom energy is sold for premises by a retailer or who proposes to purchase energy from a retailer. These are:
- Deemed Standard Connection Contract.
- Negotiated Connection Contract.
These contracts are about the services that cover connection of a customer’s premises to the network owned by Allgas, and they also cover the energy supplied to these premises.
Negotiated Connection Contracts are prepared on a case-by-case basis to meet the reasonable requirements of the particular connection applicant.
A connection applicant who would like a copy of a Negotiated Connection Contract should apply for a new connection by completing an enquiry form or call our Natural Gas Connection Line on 1300 001 001.
Allgas is required to negotiate the terms of the Negotiated Connection Contract with the connection applicant, and based on the outcome of these negotiations, is required to make a negotiated connection offer to the connection applicant within 65 business days after the date of the application. The negotiated connection offer will include a copy of the proposed Negotiated Connection Contract.
Allgas offers two types of new connection services for persons who apply for new connection service. These are:
In relation to the provision of customer connections services, the rights and obligations of Allgas and persons to whom gas is sold for premises, by a retailer, are the rights and obligations that are set out in the Deemed Standard Connection Contract or Negotiated Connection Contract and the National Energy Retail Law, National Energy Retail Regulations and the National Energy Retail Rules.
Your Natural Gas Supply
Allgas must, subject to and in accordance with the energy laws, provide customer connection services for the premises of a customer:
(a) Who requests those services.
(b) Whose premises are connected, or is seeking to have those premises connected, to the Allgas network.
Customer connection services for premises means the services which cover connection of a customer’s premises to the Allgas distribution system and the energy supplied to the customer’s premises.
Rights of Small Customers
Residential customers and business customers who consume less than 1 terajoule (1,000 gigajoules) of gas per annum are known as small customers and have certain rights, entitlements and obligations that are different from other retail customers.
A customer who receives customer connection services under a Deemed Standard Connection Contract is not required to pay Allgas’s charges for customer connection services. Allgas’s charges for customer connection services are included in the tariffs which are payable to Allgas by the customer’s retailer. In the case of new connection services, Allgas does not charge for the basic connection service (unless Allgas or its representatives are unable to gain safe and unhindered access to premises, so that a repeat visit becomes necessary, in which case Allgas imposes a repeat visit fee).
Allgas may charge for a new connection that is not a basic connection service; for example, where an extension of the gas main to the customer’s premises is required. Charges depend on several factors, including:
- How close the gas main is to the property.
- Where the gas meter is going to be located.
- Accessibility of the property.
To connect, complete an enquiry form, or call our Natural Gas Connection Line on 1300 001 001.
There are various distributor service standards imposed on Allgas by Queensland energy laws in relation to services provided to customers.
Some states have a Guaranteed Service Level Scheme under which a gas distributor is required to make payment to a customer where the distributor fails to meet a service standard. There is no Guaranteed Service Level scheme applying to Allgas in Queensland.
Under the National Energy Retail Rules, Allgas may disconnect the gas supply at the direction of your energy retailer:
- For failure to pay your bill.
- For failure to pay a required security deposit.
- For denying access to the meter.
- For illegally using energy.
- For failure to notify that you have moved into new premises.
- At your request.
In these circumstances the retailer must comply with the relevant reminder and notice periods specified in your retail contract before asking Allgas to undertake the disconnection.
As your distributor, Allgas may also disconnect your premises:
- For illegal use of energy, tampering with the meter or other equipment, or use that impacts on the system or another customer’s use of energy.
- For providing false information in the customer connection contract.
- For health, safety or emergency situations requiring disconnection.
Before disconnecting your premises, Allgas will issue a disconnection warning notice:
- To warn you that the premises may be disconnected.
- State the matter giving rise to the potential de-energisation.
- Where the notice has been issued for not paying a bill:
- State the date on which the disconnection warning period ends.
- State that payment of the bill must be made during the disconnection warning period.
- For matters other than not paying a bill:
- Allow a period of not fewer than five business days after the date of issue for the customer to rectify the matter before de-energisation will or may occur.
- Inform the customer of applicable re-energisation procedures and (if applicable) that a charge will be imposed for re-energisation.
- Include details of the existence and operation of the energy ombudsman, including contact details.
- Include details of the telephone number of the retailer and the distributor (as applicable).
Except in case of emergency or illegal use of energy, Allgas will not disconnect your premises:
- Where your retailer has advised Allgas that the premises are registered as having life support equipment present.
- Where the customer has an unresolved complaint lodged with Allgas or with the Ombudsman.
- For non-payment of your bill, during an extreme weather event.
- During one of the following protected periods:
- A business day before 8am or after 3pm.
- A Friday or the day before a public holiday.
- A weekend or a public holiday.
- The days between 20 December and 31 December (both inclusive) in any year.
Allgas will re-energise your premises:
- Where the de-energisation was at the request of your retailer:
- At the request of your retailer.
- Where the de-energisation was at Allgas’ initiation:
- If you have, within 10 business days of the de-energisation.
- Rectified the matter that led to the de-energisation.
- Made a request for re-energisation.
- Paid any charges for re-energisation.
Download and read about Allgas Energisation and Re-energisation Timeframes.
Allgas is required to handle a customer’s complaint or dispute in accordance with Allgas’s Standard Complaints and Dispute Resolution Procedures. These procedures apply to residential customers and business customers who consume less than 1000 gigajoules of natural gas per annum.
If a customer is not satisfied with Allgas’s response to a complaint or dispute, the customer has the right to refer the complaint or dispute to the Energy and Water Ombudsman (QLD) by calling 1800 662 837 (Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5pm); faxing 07 3087 9477; emailing complaints@ewoq.com.au; completing an online complaint form at ewoq.com.au or writing to PO Box 3640 South Brisbane Qld 4101.