APA remote working gateway

Password reset tool

Before you can use the password reset tool you need to set security questions.

  1. Go to the link: https://aka.ms/mysecurityinfo
  2. Select Security questions and click Add sign-in method.
  3. Select Security questions and click Add
  4. Set your 5 security questions

Resetting your password

Once you have set your security questions, you can then reset your password.

  1. Go to the link https://passwordreset.microsoftonline.com and follow the prompts

For more information go to Empower

When working from a non-APA device, please ensure that you have the latest Windows Updates and Citrix client installed. Visit the Citrix page to download and install the latest Citrix client.

The following operating systems are not supported. You must update to a more recent operating system if you are using any of the following or you will not be able to connect to APA Remote Citrix Applications

  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8.1
  • MacOS 10.10 and below
  • IOS 8.4 and below

Please contact the APA Service Desk on 1800 669 560 for assistance or technical support.