Emu Downs Solar Farm
Emu Downs Solar Farm (EDSF) generates 20MW of clean energy, complementing wind power. Cutting 35k tonnes of emissions annually and powering 60k Western Australian homes.
Sustainability and Environmental Impact
Working alongside the Emu Downs Wind Farm, these facilities have the potential to save 35,000 tonnes of greenhouse emissions annually, or provide nearly 60,000 Western Australian homes with energy.
During the construction phase of EDSF, 960 cubic metres of cardboard and 15 tonnes of metal were recycled.
APA is committed to providing a safe work environment with zero harm to employees, contractors and visitors. Across 73,000 site worker hours and with more than 200 personnel onsite, there were zero lost time incidents, more than 260 hazards reported and 178 safety conversations had.
APA’s Western Australia Renewables Precinct have contributed funds to local community organisations over the past few years to help them with projects and initiatives that needed support. Some of them include: Badringarra Primary School, Marine Rescue Jurien Bay, Jurien Bay Men’s Shed, Cervantes Cultural Committee, Cervantes St John, and more.