Badgingarra Solar Farm

The Badgingarra Solar Farm (BSF) provides a total output of 19.25MW as part of APA’s Western Australia Renewables Precinct.

Solar Output
Solar PV Panels

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

BSF makes use of Western Australia’s abundant sunshine to produce clean, renewable energy, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering carbon emissions.

2023 09 13 Badgingarra Solar Farm 1
2023 08 16 Badgingarra Solar Farm 1
2023 07 26 Badgingarra Solar Farm 4
2024 07 08 Badgingarra Solar Farm 2

The solar farm’s capacity of 19.25MW generates renewable energy for the South West Interconnected System (SWIS) to power more than 6000 homes and save almost 33,000 tonnes of greenhouse emissions per year.

As a significant construction project, BSF brought jobs and career development opportunities to the region, and continues to contribute to local economic development and investment.

The Moojar tree is a hemiparasitic plant found in Western Australia. The species is known locally by Yued Noongars as the Christmas Tree because it displays bright flowers during the Christmas season, and holds much cultural and spiritual significance. During the development of the BSF, several Moojar trees were identified by local Traditional Owners as being important sites, and so APA ensured that the trees were saved.

APA’s Western Australia Renewable Precinct have contributed funds to local community organisations over the past few years to help them with projects and initiatives that needed support. Some of them include: Badringarra Primary School, Marine Rescue Jurien Bay, Jurien Bay Men’s Shed, Cervantes Cultural Committee, Cervantes St John, and more.