East Coast Grid Expansion
APA is delivering an expansion of gas transportation capacity on the East Coast Grid
Sustainability and Environmental Impact
APA has engaged extensively with local communities throughout the ECGE Project. We’ve provided updates and gathered input through meetings with landholders, local businesses, First Nations groups, and all levels of government. Information has been shared via media, a project webpage, a 1800 hotline, and email.
The ECGE Project Community Grants Program runs twice per year. Community groups and other organisations located in the local government areas of Maranoa, Murweh and Central Darling are eligible to apply for funding to support community-led initiatives. So far, more than $100k of funding has been provided to community projects.
The East Coast Grid Expansion Project is providing fantastic employment opportunities in the local regions around each proposed compressor station. Each site requires a peak workforce of around 80 people.
At the 2022 Australian Pipelines & Gas Association Awards, APA won the Environment Award for good practice cultural heritage management and First Nations engagement on the East Coast Grid Expansion project.
During stage one the project had 8.33% indigenous representation on site, exceeding our own target.
The project required an Indigenous Land Use Agreement with the Boonthamurra People, the Native Title owners. Early and positive discussions helped us understand the cultural heritage, avoiding any impact to sensitive sites. To honour the Traditional Owners, naming ceremonies will be held with the Boonthamurra People, who have already named the compressor station "Moonah" (snake).
During stages one and two of the ECGE project, engagement and spending with local businesses exceeded $2.5m, providing a huge amount of support to regional and remote communities.