Dandenong LNG Storage
Dandenong LNG (DLNG) is a key commercial gas storage facility in Victoria, with a capacity of 680 TJ (approximately 12,400 tonnes).
Firm Vapourisation - Firm daily vapourisation capacity gives customers a firm right, subject to the terms of the Gas Storage Agreement, to vapourise gas for injection into the DWGM in the event they are scheduled. Each unit of Firm Vapourisation is accompanied by 3 units of LNG storage. This base service is designed to support customers in managing their portfolio risk in the DWGM.
Contingency Vapourisation - This services gives customers access to additional vapourisation capacity above their Firm Vapourisation up to their available LNG holdings in the event of a threat to system security. In consultation with AEMO, APA can vaporise up to 4,500 GJ/hour and provide gas for supply security in the Victorian system.
Supplementary Storage - This service allows customers to purchase add-on storage to their existing Firm Vapourisation storage allowance. Supplementary Storage gives customers flexibility to vapourise up to their Firm Vapourisation allowance for further consecutive days without needing to refill their LNG holding in the Dandenong LNG Facility.
Liquefaction - APA provides a Liquefaction (or refill) service through BOC’s liquefaction plant located adjacent to the Dandenong LNG Facility. Liquefaction is typically scheduled the day after vapourisation and in accordance with liquefaction priorities under the LNG Services Agreements. This allows customers to replenish their LNG holding up to their maximum storage allowance.
Firm Vapourisation - $232.2233/GJ
Contingency Vapourisation - $0.5805/GJ
Supplementary Storage - $34.8335/GJ
Liquefaction - $2.0413/GJ
Firm Vapourisation - Tariff based on competitive alternatives for gas storage.
Contingency Vapourisation - Tariff based on competitive alternatives for gas storage.
Supplementary Storage - Tariff based on competitive alternatives for gas storage.
Liquefaction - BOC contract liquefaction rate + 5%
These services are offered subject to available capacity and the terms of the standard LNG Services Agreement.
All tariffs are current at 1 October 2024. More information on these tariffs can be found on the tariffs and terms page.
APA is reporting financial information for the Dandenong LNG storage facility under Part 18A of the National Gas Rules and the AER’s Pipeline Information Disclosure Guideline.
Gas Specification
Gas quality requirements for DLNG are set out in the Gas Quality Standard and Monitoring Guidelines and can be found on the AEMO Victorian gas operations page.
Credit Support
APA has minimum credit support requirements that are a pre-condition to gaining access to storage services.
If you are interested in acquiring services for this facility, you can contact us on 02 9275 0020 to discuss your requirements. Alternatively, you may wish to make an enquiry by emailing us at commercial.contracts@apa.com.au.
We encourage potential customers to contact APA when considering the gas storage and vapourisation needs.