APA owns and operates 66kV transmission infrastructure within the North West Interconnected System (NWIS).
APA DEWAP Network is a ‘covered network’ consisting of three high voltage 66 kV transmission lines in Port Hedland.
Documents that apply to APA’s ‘covered network’ have been developed in accordance with the Pilbara Network Rules and the Pilbara Network Access Code.
In early 2024, APA consulted on draft versions of network documents. Draft documents and submissions reviewed are provided below.
For covered networks, the Pilbara Network Access Code requires network service providers that also generate or retail electricity to submit ringfencing rules to the Economic Regulation Authority for approval. The ringfencing rules for APA’s Port Hedland network were approved on 16 May 2024.
For enquires regarding the APA DEWAP Network, please contact our Pilbara network team.