2024 03 25 Mount Isa General Community Shots 2

Information for Planners and Developers

Ensuring Pipeline Safety Amid Changing Land Use

Australian high pressure gas pipelines have an excellent safety record, and we want to keep it that way.

But, as the land use changes around the gas pipelines, the risk to pipeline safety increases.

High pressure pipelines are designed for the land uses that exist, or are envisaged, at the time of construction. But, because pipelines typically have long operational lives (up to 80 years), some land use change over time is likely.

APA’s pipelines are designed, constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with Australian Standards (AS 2885 Pipelines − gas and liquid petroleum) to ensure the integrity of the pipeline and community safety. We must manage any emerging risks in keeping with AS 2885.

Planners and developers play a key role in managing this risk by identifying and locating gas pipelines early in the planning process. This ensures that the associated requirements, risks and issues around pipeline safety are incorporated in the design phase of any planning scheme or developments. This is particularly the case when planning for sensitive-type land uses such as retirement homes, hospitals and schools.

Site Planning and Landscape National Guidelines

APA's Site Planning and Landscape National Guidelines have been developed to provide clarity to the community, developers and government agencies as to how APA envisages the treatment of its easements, particularly in growth area environments. It is a tool to be used to enhance the social environmental value of our pipeline asset footprint.

We want to help

Please contact us to discuss how we can assist in the early stage planning phase to ensure safer developments and communities. We can provide advice to ensure risk-informed land use planning practices are adopted.

We believe that urban development can be achieved safely in the vicinity of high pressure pipelines, but want to ensure the risks associated with land use change is managed to the requirements of the Australian Standards.

We collaborate with local authorities to ensure safe land use around high pressure pipelines. We can also provide local authorities with a planning overlay, to assist in identifying our pipelines and assets.

Please speak to us about:

  • Planning land use within corridors around high pressure pipelines
  • Potential noise and other impacts from high pressure pipeline above-ground facilities
  • Future high pressure pipeline requirements (protection of future corridors suitable for high pressure pipelines to service new development areas).

Contact us via:

1800 103 452
