Debt investors information terms of use

The information and materials contained in or referred to in the materials on, and accessed through, this web page (together, the “website”) in relation to APA Group and its funding programs and debt instruments is provided for information and as a matter of record only and is for distribution only to persons entitled to access this website under all applicable laws, regulations and directives in all applicable jurisdictions. The website is not addressed to any person in a jurisdiction where access to it or any use of it would result in a contravention by APA Group or any other person or entity of the laws of that jurisdiction.

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Debt investors information

This Debt Investors section provides an overview of APA Group's debt profile, liquidity and debt metrics as at 30 September 2024. All of APA’s debt facilities are structured on a senior unsecured basis with negative pledge provisions and rank pari passu with one another.

APA Infrastructure Limited is APA Group’s borrowing entity which has the following investment grade credit ratings:
1 Standard & Poor's Long Term Rating: BBB (Stable Outlook) unchanged since June 2009
2 Moody's Long Term Rating: Baa2 (Stable Outlook) unchanged since April 2010
Metric 30-Jun-24 30-Jun-23 30-Jun-22 30-Jun-21
Funds From Operations to Interest Coverage* 3.2x 3.4x 3.5x 3.0x
Funds From Operations to Debt* 10.3% 11.0% 11.4% 10.8%
Average interest rate applying to drawn debt 4.8% 4.4% 4.4% 5.1%
Interest rate exposure fixed or hedged 100% 100% 100% 100%
Average maturity of drawn senior facilities 5.3 yrs 5.7 yrs 6.7 yrs 7.8 yrs

* APA calculations

Funding sources

Diversified funding from international and domestic debt capital and banking markets.

1. The USD300m 144A Notes (maturing in 2035) is retained in USD and the GBP600m MTN (maturing in 2030) is swapped into USD (USD886m). Please refer to the debt capital market issuance table below for more information.

2. APA has existing committed undrawn bank liquidity facilities of A$1,900 million. This includes $300m term loan with a 10-year tenor that is expected to be drawn by the end of March 2025.


Debt maturity profile as at 30 September 2024

3. Foreign currency denominated debt (USD1,186m) has been translated at the spot AUDUSD FX rate as at 30 September 2024.

4. FY35 US144a obligations comprise of two tranches: (i) USD750m maturing in September 2034 is swapped into AUD and; (ii) USD300m highlighted in footnote 1.

5. The hybrid security which has a 60-year maturity (FY84). However, for the purposes of this chart we show it as maturing at the first call date in FY29.


Debt capital market issuance as at 30 September 2024

Issuance Issuance
Annual Coupon
in Issuance
Amount Outstanding
in Issuance
in AUD
Annual Interest
payable in
SFA 2022 6-Jun-22 20-May-27 4.90% A$500m - A$500m 4.90%
SFA 2022 6-Jun-22 20-May-29 5.20% A$500m - A$500m 5.20%
SFA 2023 3-Nov-23 31-Oct-30 6.75% A$750m - A$750m 6.75%
SFA 2023 3-Nov-23 31-Oct-33 7.18% A$500m - A$500m 7.18%
GBP MTN 26-Nov-12 26-Nov-24 4.25% £129m A$198m A$198m 7.37%
GBP MTN 20-Mar-15 22-Mar-30 3.50% £600m US$886m A$1,281m -
GBP MTN 18-Mar-19 18-Jul-31 3.13% £400m A$742m A$742m 4.54%
GBP MTN 15-Mar-21 15-Mar-36 2.50% £250m A$452m A$452m 4.24%
EUR MTN 20-Mar-15 22-Mar-27 2.00% €650m A$1,038m A$1,038m 4.51%
EUR MTN (Hybrid) 9-Nov-23 9-Feb-29 7.13% €500m A$828m A$828m 9.30%
EUR MTN 15-Mar-21 15-Mar-29 0.75% €600m A$928m A$928m 2.95%
EUR MTN 30-Apr-20 15-Jul-30 2.00% €600m A$1,018m A$1,018m 3.87%
EUR MTN 15-Mar-21 15-Mar-33 1.25% €500m A$774m A$774m 3.78%
JPY MTN 13-Jun-19 13-Jun-34 1.03% ¥10,000m A$133m A$133m 4.23%
US 144A Notes 23-Mar-15 23-Mar-25 4.20% US$488m A$684m A$684m 4.14%
US 144A Notes 23-Mar-17 15-Jul-27 4.25% US$850m A$1,109m A$1,109m 5.29%
US 144A Notes 16-Sep-24 16-Sep-34 5.13% US$750m A$1,127m A$1,127m 6.22%
US 144A Notes 23-Mar-15 23-Mar-35 5.00% US$300m - A$434m -
US 144A Notes 16-Sep-24 16-Sep-44 5.75% US$500m A$752m A$752m 7.02%
NAIF debt 22-Nov-19 23-Nov-41 2.25% A$76m - A$76m 2.25%
ARENA debt 17-Oct-19 23-Nov-46 0.00% A$24m - A$24m 0.00%
TOTAL           A$13,847m  


Group Structure

  • APA Group is listed as a stapled structure on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX:APA)
  • APA is comprised of two registered managed investment schemes:
    – APA Infrastructure Trust (ARSN 091 678 778)
    – APA Investment Trust (ARSN 115 585 441) is a pass-through trust
  • APA Group Limited (ACN 091 344 704) is the responsible entity of APA Infra and APA Invest
  • The units of APA Infra and APA Invest are stapled and must trade and otherwise be dealt with together
  • APA Infrastructure Limited (ABN 89 009 666 700), a company wholly owned by APA Infra, is APA’s borrowing entity and the owner of the majority of APA’s operating assets and investments