Basslink is currently the sole electricity interconnector between Tasmania and Victoria, playing a critical role in enhancing security of supply on both sides of Bass Strait. Running from Loy Yang, Victoria to George Town in Tasmania, the interconnector is 370km long and includes a 290km long subsea power cable section.

Update on return of Basslink dynamic capacity


Basslink is a HVDC interconnector connecting the 220kV Tasmanian transmission network at George Town Substation with the 500kV Victorian transmission network at Loy Yang Substation. Basslink also has a number of fibre optic assets which carry high speed bandwidth services.

Regulatory status

Basslink is not currently subject to economic regulation.  
A revenue contract is in place with Hydro Tasmania until 30 June 2025, by which point it is expected that Basslink will become a regulated asset.

Required documentation
Our policies

2024 Conversion Application

2025-30 Transmission Determination Process

For more information on the transmission Determination Proposal see the AER's Website


Marine Hotline: 1800 008 767 

Easement Hotline: 1800 011 165 

BYDA - Home | Before You Dig Australia (BYDA)

ESV - Look up and live | Energy Safe Victoria (

For all other Basslink enquiries and contact information, see here.

Basslink Telecoms Pty Ltd

Basslink Telecoms is a network infrastructure owner, carrier and operator, providing high speed bandwidth services from Tasmania to Victoria.  

Service enquiries (i.e. issues, faults) 

Basslink Telecoms Network Operations Centre (NOC) 

Phone: 1800 317 548 

Email: [email protected] 

Sales and General enquiries  

Email: [email protected]