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electricity Interconnectors

APA owns and operates the Basslink HVDC asset. Basslink is a HVDC interconnector connecting the 220kV Tasmanian transmission network at George Town Substation with the 500kV Victorian transmission network at Loy Yang Substation. Basslink also has a number of fibre optic assets which carry high speed bandwidth services.

APA manages Murraylink and Directlink regulated electricity interconnectors on behalf of Energy Infrastructure Investments (EII), in which it also holds a 19.9% interest (with Marubeni Corporation holding a 49.9% stake and Osaka Gas, 30.2%).

Basslink, Murraylink and Directlink provide transmission services to the National Electricity Market as prescribed by the National Electricity Rules.

This is the primary website for Basslink, Murraylink and Directlink interconnectors.

APA Know What’s Below Brochure for High-Voltage Electricity Cables – Landholder Information

For more detailed information regarding Basslink electricity assets, including high voltage overhead and underground cables, visit the Basslink page.

electricity interconnectors