Brisbane (South), Gold Coast, Toowoomba and Oakey Gas Distribution Network

APA operates and has an ownership interest in the natural gas distribution network in the Allgas Gas Network in Brisbane (South), Gold Coast, Toowoomba and Oakey. Gas retailers use this network to transport gas sourced by them to customers connected to the Allgas network. Some large industrial gas users may also use the network to transport gas sourced independently of a retailer.

On this page we present information for energy retailers and large gas users who wish to use the network to transport gas for which they have contracted supply independently of a gas retailer.

Information for customers of gas retailers can be found by clicking here.

Information for Gas Retailers and Large Industrial Gas Users


The Allgas Gas Network is owned by GDI (EII) Pty Ltd and extends from Brisbane, south of the river, to the northern tip of New South Wales, with separate networks in Toowoomba and Oakey. The network includes some small extensions in Northern NSW (Northern Rivers). In addition, a small pipeline (1km) services an ammonium nitrate plant at Moura, Central Queensland. In total, the network includes 3,218 kilometres of distribution mains supplying around 100,000 gas users.

APA maintains a 20% interest in GDI (EII) Pty Ltd, with equity partners Marubeni Corporation and SAS Trustee Corporation each holding a 40% interest.

APA operates and maintains the Allgas network on behalf of GDI (EII) Pty Ltd.

Regulatory status

The Allgas network is a non-scheme pipeline under the National Gas Rules.


1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025

Tariffs are derived by applying CPI escalation to the tariffs last approved by the AER under the last access arrangement and are escalated by CPI-0.5% going forward.

Required documentation
Pipeline information

Allgas takes delivery of natural gas into its distribution network at the Ellen Grove, Mt Gravatt, Oakey, Runcorn, Tingalpa, Toowoomba and Willawong gate stations. The Allgas network does not include any large distribution pipelines as defined in the National Gas Rules.

The Roma Brisbane Pipeline reports the connection point nameplate ratings of each Allgas gate station to the Gas Bulletin Board.

A description of the services offered, including polices that affect access to the Allgas distribution network can be found in the Allgas Indicative Terms and Conditions of Access.

Allgas Financial Information Disclosure – Part 7 National Gas Rules

Allgas is reporting financial information for its pipelines that were subject to light regulation according to AER’s Financial Reporting Guideline for Light Regulation Pipelines.

The financial information for the years ending 30 June 2020 - 2023 includes pipeline financial information, the value of the capital base using the AER regulatory valuation methodology, and the historical tariffs for services on the Allgas network can be found on the Allgas website.

Historical Allgas Monthly Injection Information.

Allgas Financial Information Disclosure – Part 10 National Gas Rules

Allgas is reporting financial information for its network under Part 10 of the National Gas Rules.

Financial information under Part 10 of the National Gas Rules and the AER’s Pipeline Information Disclosure Guideline will be reported from FY25.

Allgas is required to report actual prices payable information reported under Rule 101E. As a distribution network, all shippers pay the published tariffs shown above.

Related Assets

The Roma Brisbane Pipeline connects with the Allgas Gas Network at Oakey, Toowoomba and Brisbane.