Emu Downs Solar Farm Official Opening
2 Mar 2018
The Honourable Ben Wyatt, WA Minister for Energy,
and Mick McCormack, CEO and Managing Director of APA Group.
APA Group, Australia’s leading energy infrastructure business, today celebrated the official opening of its newly completed 20-megawatt Emu Downs Solar Farm, approximately 200 kilometres north of Perth.
The $50 million project consists of 75,168 solar panels on approximately 70 hectares. It is co-located with APA’s 80-megawatt Emu Downs Wind Farm and will provide a substantial boost to WA’s renewable energy capacity.
APA Managing Director and CEO Mick McCormack said, ‘Today represents an exciting milestone for APA Group as this is the first renewable project we have delivered from scratch, from concept design to construction and now delivery.
‘With the Emu Downs Solar Farm and adjacent Wind Farm, and the Badgingarra Wind Farm under construction across the road, APA is building a renewables hub in this region with the potential to power 176,000 Western Australian homes.
‘This project is a testament to what can be achieved when industry, governments and local communities work together to help deliver a clean and reliable energy source for Australians.
‘We thank all of the partners who have helped to make this ambitious project a reality, including ARENA, the Western Australian Government and its agencies and of course our supply customer Synergy.’
APA has entered into a power purchase agreement to sell electricity and generation certificates generated by the Solar Farm to energy provider Synergy, to 2030.
The Honourable Ben Wyatt, Western Australian Treasurer and Energy Minister officiated at the opening of the Emu Downs Solar Farm. Mr Wyatt said, ‘As one of three projects which will help Synergy meet its renewable energy target, the Emu Downs solar farm represents an important piece in the renewable energy future of WA. We are delighted to work with APA to deliver a project which will be seen as an exciting example of what the future holds,’
The Emu Downs Solar Farm will utilise the existing transmission connection infrastructure associated with the co-located Wind Farm, with only minor upgrades required to the substation.
In his address to event guests who toured the Solar Farm, Mr McCormack also acknowledged the contribution of APA’s project team, construction partner and the local community.
‘Just as important as delivering a great project is doing it safely. I’m pleased to report that we built the Emu Downs Solar Farm without a single ‘lost time injury’ recorded despite over 70,000 man hours that went into the construction. Congratulations are in order for our employees and construction partner UGL for that achievement.
‘I also want to thank the Shire of Dandaragan for its ongoing support of the work APA is doing to develop a world-class renewable energy precinct. Working collaboratively with the communities that are home to APA assets is fundamental to how we go about our business, and a large project like this cannot succeed without the support and goodwill of the people in the region providing services and welcoming us into the community.’